Get Involved

I am actually happy to see the progress our young men are making socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually.
— Tyrell Wheeler, Mentor

Our Focuses

  • Respect others - Attend faithfully and promptly - Dress respectfully - Act appropriately

  • Keep a gratitude journal - Research an African American icon who has made a difference in the world - Become a leader - Learn to use your mind to overcome obstacles - Believe in yourself

  • Set academic goals - Participate in the pre-collegiate program - Turn your five-step plan into action - Make sound academic decisions

  • The spiritual approach helps assist the young men with the identification of other values they may have never considered. Our Christian-based approach program has the participants studying the Bible and teaches them how to apply biblical principles in their daily lives. Through this piece of the program, the young African-American males in High Aspirations will develop morals and values that will guide them to become productive citizens. We partner with Nathans Project to provide Bibles to our young men when they enroll. The boys pray before and after sessions. We feed our young men each Saturday we meet. We encourage each young men to practice abstinence before marriage. Every year we host a spiritual retreat for our leadership council. We are a partner of the National Christian Foundation Heartland. We partner with various churches and organizations to give out food and clothes to the needy every fourth Saturday. Every year we take our young men to Kids Across America Camp. We perform outreach every year through the Mile Stone Youth Center at our annual Christmas celebration

Become a Mentee

African American males ages 8 to 18 are welcome to join the High Aspirations program. Please review our screening process and complete an application included on this website. By joining High Aspirations, young men are asked to meet the following objectives:

  • Develop a relationship with God

  • Practice abstinence

  • Learn to be a leader and not a follower

  • Develop a self-concept, gain identity and gain self esteem

  • Become culturally aware

  • Be better educated through education about life, common sense and academics

  • Learn job readiness and get job experience

Become a Mentor

Mentors are the key to our organization.  As a mentor, you will have the satisfaction of changing the lives and making a positive impact on the young men in our community.

  • Mentors are asked to give a minimum 2 year commitment, 6 hours a month face-to-face contact.

  • We welcome mentors from all ethnic backgrounds.

Mentor Requirements

  • Be 23 years of age or older

  • Complete an application

  • Pass state patrol background check

  • Be interviewed by the Concerned Mothers and Sisters of High Aspirations

  • Complete mentor training and orientation 

Become a Volunteer

High Aspirations welcomes volunteers of all races and ethnicities to provide support and resources to our programs. We would love your help! Here is a list some of the ways people can donate your time:

  • Help set up – break down meetings

  • Be an extra adult to help with outings, field trips, etc.

  • Provide expertise or training for Lawn Service.

  • Volunteer as a speaker

  • Donate your skills, professional licenses and expertise

Volunteer Requirements

  • Be 23 years of age or older

  • Complete an application

  • Pass the background check

  • Be interviewed by the Concerned Mothers and Sisters of High Aspirations

  • Complete volunteer orientation